Whether people can change is an open question. To what extent might we successfully combat DNA’s diktat? Free will is clearly nothing more than a heartening delusion, putting aside the mysterious manner in which it comes across.

Or is it?

If all there really is, is Change, then everything is fluid and all is permitted and possible. If the thing to do is to bring oneself into accord with Change, then the self should be nimble; and if we are to be truly part of this world in which the only reliable fact is that everything changes, we should allow for at the least the possibility of personal growth. So let’s say that we can change for the better. Where then is there to go? We’ve arrived wherever we’re going, haven’t we?

If we follow what’s inevitable, the trail leads towards nothingness; that’s where we want our life to tend. We want our life to become smaller and smaller until we reach the end. But that can’t be right. Why not want it to become bigger and bigger until it reaches the end?

We want to expand, to be vivified; to end a super nova. We want more of life. More life! It’s the only entity we’ve got. More must be better than less. And the thing best suited for acquiring more is the mind. So we’d want the mind to be ever active in its pursuit of experience. We’d store up memories and knowledge at a feverish pace.